Key Cutting and FOB Programming Services at Strut Daddy's in Roxboro, NC

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Welcome to StrutDaddys, your trusted destination for automotive repair and maintenance. At StrutDaddys, we understand the importance of keeping your vehicle secure and ensuring that you have access when you need it. Our Key Cutting and FOB Programming services are designed to provide you with seamless access to your vehicle, combining precision and expertise for a hassle-free experience. We are fully licensed and insured for vehicle security and theft prevention services. We are able to cut and program factory keys. These are not aftermarket alarm systems. (however you want to word this) 

Key Cutting Services: 

Precision in Every Cut:

Our state-of-the-art key cutting technology ensures precision in every cut. Whether you’ve lost your keys, need a spare set, or require a replacement, our skilled technicians use the latest equipment to craft keys that seamlessly integrate with your vehicle’s lock and ignition system. 

Why Choose Key Cutting at StrutDaddys? 

  • Emergency Situations: Lost or damaged keys can lead to stressful situations. Our efficient key cutting service ensures that you can quickly regain access to your vehicle in emergencies. 
  • Spare Keys: Having spare keys is a smart precaution. We can cut spare keys to ensure you have a backup, preventing inconvenience in case of lost or misplaced keys. 
  • Key Replacement: If your key is damaged or malfunctioning, our key cutting service provides a precise replacement, restoring full functionality to your vehicle. 

FOB Programming Services:

Seamless Integration for Enhanced Security: 

As vehicles evolve, so does their security technology. If you have a keyless entry system or a remote FOB, our FOB programming service ensures that your FOB seamlessly integrates with your vehicle’s security system. We can program or reprogram FOBs for a wide range of vehicle makes and models. 

Why Choose FOB Programming at Strut Daddy’s? 

  • Lost or Malfunctioning FOBs: If your key FOB is lost, damaged, or malfunctioning, our FOB programming service can sync a new FOB with your vehicle, restoring the convenience and security of keyless entry. 
  • Enhanced Security: FOB programming is essential for maintaining the security of your vehicle. Ensure that only authorized individuals can access and start your car with properly programmed FOBs. 
  • Compatibility Assurance: Our technicians are well-versed in the latest FOB programming technologies. We ensure that the FOB is correctly programmed to your vehicle’s specifications, guaranteeing optimal performance.

Visit StrutDaddys Today: 

Conveniently located at 2888 Durham Rd., Roxboro, NC 27573, StrutDaddys is your go-to destination for automotive key cutting and FOB programming. Our skilled technicians, cutting-edge equipment, and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the top choice for all your automotive needs. 

Why Choose StrutDaddy's?

  • Rapid, Accurate Diagnosis & Repair
  • Quality Workmanship, Fair Prices
  • ASE Certified Technicians
  • Customer Care & Convenience
  • Commitment to Our Service-Oriented Code of Ethics
  • Free Shuttle Service Available